
This Task is the start point of all workflows and is allowed only once in a workflow.


  • run time of this workflow
    (Should the workflow executed immediately or asynchronous (asynchronous creates a 1 second delay and execute the workflow with the next cronjob)
  • parallel execution
    If you use a [delay] or [set values] task, it could result in recursive execution, which could result in problems with the server
    You should only activate parallel execution if you know you need multiple instances of one Workflow per record
  • only one execution per Record
    Only execute this workflow one time per record. Couldn’t be reset and the workflow couldn’t executed manually, too!
  • do not store logs of execution
    Maybe you recognize a big vtiger_wf_log table. These are the analytics data from Workflow Designer. If you want to save space and don’t need the statistics feature, you can disable logging for this workflow.


Are described on dedicated page


Execute this workflow if a record was referenced in another record

Have the same behavior like the “request values from user” task.

allow execution without a related record

If you activate this option, you could start a Workflow from ListView, without choosing a record.
This will increase the usability if you create an export workflow or a workflow, which check some option.

Please note, if you don’t choose a related record, every used field value variables, which depend on the current record, will return an empty value!

execute process only once with all checked records in listview

Normally a workflow will be executed one time for every record you selected in ListView.
If you enable this option the Workflow will only be executed with the first record you select and write all selected record IDs comma separated in the $env Variable you configure.


You select 3 records in listview and want to generate one email with data from all checked records.

You enable this option and configure the variablename to “recordids”.
Now you could access the IDs in the variable $env[“recordids”] in the format id1,id2,id3

Apply this condition in any situation to prevent execution

Per default a show/execute condition in start block, will only be used in DetailView or after Creation/Editing.
Then the condition will be checked and if the result is false, it won’t be executed.

This means if you execute a workflow from ListView or by using the Workflow Planer, the condition will NOT be applied, because your configuration have a higher priority.
If you enable this checkbox, you could be sure the Workflow will only be executed in any situation if the condition is true.


172017-01-24Add opportunity to force the check of the condition
16 Add compatibility with Frontend Workflows
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