Workflow Trigger

TriggerWhen it is executed
On first saveExecute when a record is created
On every saveExecute every time a record is modified (From the User or the Webservice)
Start manuallyDon’t execute this workflow automatically. You could execute this workflow only manually from sidebar or from other Workflows
start with email sendingExecute every time a mail is stored for a record (Regardless if you send or the MailScanner connect)
start on new commentExecute every time a comment is created for a record You get the Content of the Comment in $env[“commentcontent”] and the UserId from the Author in $env[“assigned_user_id”]
import ProcessWill not started automatically or manually. Needs to be set for Import Workflows
Reference to Record was setExecute this workflow if a record was referenced in another record
before record is deletedWill be executed, before a Record is deleted. You MUST redirect the User to another URL after the workflow
Triggered in Edit-/CreateViewWill be executed during Edit or Create Process of a record. Could be used for background checks of values, user enter

Document was added

This Trigger allows you to execute a Workflow, after a new Document was uploaded related to a record of the main module.

For example if you create such Workflow in “Projects” Module, you are able to do something, if a document was uploaded related to a record in Project module.

(Create comments, etc.)

You are able to get all fields from uploaded Document in the Environment Variable. All values are stored below of $env[“documents”].
So if you want to get the filename, choose $env[“documents”][“filename”]

Some available values:

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