f you want to create a new action, what to do with files, generated by blocks, you could use this interface.
Existing examples of this interface is the directly download, store in Filestore, …
Add a file in /modules/Workflow2/extends/fileactions/ with the filename “<individual>.inc.php”
This file must contain a class which extends from \Workflow\FileAction.
This class must have the following structure:
namespace Workflow\Plugins\FileActions;
class [IndividualNameA] extends \Workflow\FileAction {
* @param String $moduleName - The module from the workflow, this action will be used
* @return array - Returns an array with the Option, this file could provide:
* array(
'title' => '<title of this FileAction (could be translated in lang Files)>',
'options' => $options
$options is also an array with configuration options,
the User should input, if he choose this action
$options = array(
'<configKeyA>' => array(
'type' => '<templatefield|templatearea|picklist|checkbox>',
'label' => '<label show before this configuration option (could be translated)',
'placeholder' => '<placeholder of input field>,
// if type = checkbox
// 'value' => 1
// if type = picklist
// 'options' => array('ID1' => 'value1', 'ID2' => 'value2', ...)
public function getActions($moduleName) {
$return = array();
return $return;
* @param array $configuration - Array with all configuration options, the user configure
* @param string $filepath - The temporarily filepath of the file, which should be transformed
* @param string $filename - The filename of this file
* @param \Workflow\VTEntity $context - The Context of the Workflow
* @param array $targetRecordIds
* @return void
public function doAction($configuration, $filepath, $filename, $context, $targetRecordIds = array()) {
\Workflow\FileAction::register('[SanitizedIndividualNameA]', '\Workflow\Plugins\FileActions\[IndividualNameA]');
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