When you want to use an individual source of attachments to an email.
Create a files in modules/Workflow2/extends/attachments/ with the filename <individual>.inc.php.
This file must include a Class, which extends from \Workflow\Attachment.
You must implement the following structure to be recognized by Workflow Designer:
namespace Workflow\Plugins\Mailattachments;
class URL extends \Workflow\Attachment {
public function getConfigurations($moduleName) {
// This give you all options to create a complex configuration.
// Important is to use the <a Tag and make the configuration container toggable with classNames and data-type Attribute
$configuration = array(
'html' => '<a href="#" class="attachmentsConfigLink" data-type="url">Attach File from URL</a>
<div class="attachmentsConfig" data-type="url" id="urlAttachmentContainer" style="display:none;">
Load file from this URL and attach it to the E-Mail.<br/>
<div class="insertTextfield" style="display:inline;" data-name="attachment_url" data-style="width:250px;" data-id="attachment_url"></div>
Filename of this file:<br/><em>(leave empty to get filename from downloaded file)</em><br/>
<div class="insertTextfield" style="display:inline;" data-name="attachment_name" data-style="width:250px;" data-id="attachment_name"></div>
'script' => "
Attachments.registerCallback('url', function() {
var url = jQuery('#attachment_url').val();
var name = jQuery('#attachment_name').val();
// This return the configuration, which define your type "url" and additional configurations. ID is handled unique per mail configuration.
return [
'id' : 's#url#' + url + '#' + name,
'label' : name == ''?'filename from url':name,
'filename' : '',
'options' : {
'name' : name,
'val' : url
// You can also return multiple configurations
$return = array($configuration);
return $return;
* @param string $key The key, you define within your ID during configuration
* @param array $value The values from configuration. Array with options is Array index [2]
* @param $context \Workflow\VTEntity
* @return array|void
public function generateAttachments($key, $value, $context) {
global $current_user;
$adb = \PearDatabase::getInstance();
$url = $value[2]['val'];
$url = \Workflow\VTTemplate::parse($url, $context);
$filename = \Workflow\VTTemplate::parse($value[2]['name'], $context);
if(empty($filename)) {
$filename = basename($url);
$filecontent = \Workflow\VtUtils::getContentFromUrl($url);
if(empty($filecontent)) {
return array();
$filename = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-_.]/', '_', $filename);
if($this->_mode === self::MODE_NOT_ADD_NEW_ATTACHMENTS) {
$tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'Url');
file_put_contents($tmpfile, $filecontent);
$this->addAttachmentRecord('PATH', $tmpfile, $filename);
$upload_file_path = decideFilePath();
$next_id = $adb->getUniqueID("vtiger_crmentity");
file_put_contents($upload_file_path . $next_id . "_" . $filename, $filecontent);
$filesize = filesize($upload_file_path . $next_id . "_" . $filename);
$filetype = "application/octet-stream";
$sql1 = "insert into vtiger_crmentity (crmid,smcreatorid,smownerid,setype,description,createdtime,modifiedtime) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$params1 = array($next_id, $current_user->id, $current_user->id, "Documents Attachment",'Documents Attachment', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$adb->pquery($sql1, $params1);
$sql2 = "insert into vtiger_attachments(attachmentsid, name, description, type, path) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$params2 = array($next_id, $filename,'', $filetype, $upload_file_path);
$adb->pquery($sql2, $params2);
// This add a Record of Type Attachment, which is stored in CRM as Attachment, by ID
$this->addAttachmentRecord('ID', $next_id);
// Can also be PATH, like this:
//$this->addAttachmentRecord('PATH', $filepath, $filename);
// This will register this handler as Attachment Plugin
\Workflow\Attachment::register('url', '\Workflow\Plugins\Mailattachments\URL');
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