custom fieldtypes in value request

You would like to request a very special value from your users and you couldn’t do this with the integrated field types?
You could integrate you own fieldtypes!

Add a file in /modules/Workflow2/extends/fieldtypes/ with the filename “<individual>.inc.php

This file must contain a class which extends from \Workflow\Fieldtype.
This class must have the following structure:

namespace Workflow\Plugins\Fieldtypes;
class [IndividualNameA] extends \Workflow\Fieldtype
     * Should return every fieldtype this class will provide
     * @param $moduleName - The moduleName of the Workflow, which include this field
     * @return array - An Array with the following Structure
     *                  array(
     *                      array(
                                'id' => '<uniqueFieldTypeID>',
                                'title' => '<NameOfFieldType>',
                                'config' => $config
     *                      ), ...
     *                  )
                    $config is an array of configuration fields, the admin needs to configure in backend
     *                      it must have the following structure
     *                      array(
     *                          '<configKey>' => array(
                                    'type' => '[templatefield,templatearea,picklist,checkbox]',
     *                              'label' => '<label Of Configuration Input>',
                                     // if type = checkbox
                                     // 'value' => 1
                                     // if type = picklist
                                     // 'options' => array('ID1' => 'value1', 'ID2' => 'value2', ...)
     *                          ), ...
     *                      )
    public function getFieldTypes($moduleName) {
        $fields = array();
        $fields[] = array(
            'id' => 'reference',
            'title' => 'Referenz',
            'config' => array(
                'reference' => array(
                    'type' => 'picklist',
                    'label' => 'Referenz',
                    'options' => $relmodules,
        return $fields;
     * @param $data     - Config Array of this Input with the following Structure
     *                      array(
     *                          'label' => 'Label the Function should use',
     *                          'name' => 'The Fieldname, which should used as name attribute',
     *                          'config' => Key-Value Array with all configurations, done by admin
     *                      )
     * @param \Workflow\VTEntity $context - Current Record, which is assigned to the Workflow
     * @return array - The rendered content, shown to the user with the following structure
     *                  array(
     *                      'html' => '<htmlContentOfThisInputField>',
     *                      'javascript' => 'A Javascript executed after html is shown'
     *                  )
    public function renderFrontend($data, $context) {
        $html = '';
        $script = '';
        return array('html' => $html, 'javascript' => $script);
// The class neeeds to be registered
\Workflow\Fieldtype::register('[IndividualNameA]', '\Workflow\Plugins\Fieldtypes\[IndividualNameA]');
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