User Interaction

Request form

The request form is a new implementation of the “request value from user block”,
which use modern layout, multi column layouts and additional field types.To configure it, you need to add a field at first. Every field is related to a row.
So you need to add a row firstly, then press “add Row” (1) and then the “add Field Button” (2) inside the row.
To configure you should click inside the field (3), which opens the configuration.Here you can select the Input fieldtype (1), define a label (2),
which is shown next to the text field, define variablename (3),
default value(4) and decide if this field is mandatory to send the request form (5).The variablename defines the name, you will later use to access this value.
The default value can be any text you are able to generate.
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Form Settings
A new feature of this block is to set some window settings, which define the request form window.You reach this, by click “Form Settings” on top of row configuration.(1) The headline is shown on top of the request form window and should motivate the user to enter the value
(2) The width of the popup, define exactly this
(3) The variable scope define the variable you use to access the result.
When you set this to “form”, then all fields are accessible by “$env[“form”][“fieldname”]”.
You also can clear this field to not use a variable scope.
(4), (5) Text on buttons
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Access the values

To access the values, you need to use the $env Environmental variable, like it is shown within field configuration.


request values from user

This task requests values from the user and store these values in $env[“value”][<variableName>].
These variables are only available inside custom expressions.
The “request values before execution” of the start block behave equal to this block and will be handled absolutely in the same way.

If you execute a workflow from the sidebar, the variables will be requested directly.
If the request value block will be reached in an automatic execution (after save or creation), the workflow will be paused on this block and the execution user get an entry on his main front end workflow page, you could open in the Main Menu.
The workflow will be paused too, if you don’t want to enter the variables directly and click “enter values later”.

Show notification on record

This block allows you to give a feedback to the user after a workflow was executed.

Message typeselect the type(color) of this message (Hint / Success / Error)
Message titleThe title of this message
MessageThe message content
show only onceIf you check this box, the notification will only be shown once to the next user which view a record.
Mostly the executing user
Show every time untilYou could define, until this the notification will shown. Only admins could be remove such crated notification from a record
positionon which position did you want to show the message
assign messageIf you assign the message to the record, it only would be shown on the current record. Otherwise the user will see this message regardless the opened page.

You could also add a notification to another record you could select by ID. Use the last text field for this.

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