execute Expression with external Record
With this block you are able to get values from another record or do some complex calculations on multiple records.
This block could be used to execute a Expression you could configure in the context of every record, which match the Record Selection.
This means all simple variables you could access ($id, $name, …) are loaded from the external record.
Because of the Record Selection, there could be also multiple records. The expression will be executed one time for every record, independently.
You also could limit the number of result records and sort the records to only get the latest ones.
A special feature is, how the environmental variable $env will be handled, because they is also available inside the custom expression.
And every modification you do on this variable will be transferred back to the main record environmental variable AND to later executions of the same expression.
This means you have one could use this $env[..] variables for calculations, which are available also within the main workflow.
With this transmission you could collect records in your vtiger, if you simple add every record to an $env variable.
If the task couldn’t found any records match the condition in the selected module, the second “do not exist” output will be taken.
The record Selection is done by the default Record Selection component.
execute Workflow with external record
In parallel to execute a expression on other records, you can also execute a workflow on a list of records.
In configuration you select records and define the workflow, which is executed.
Set Values for external Records
Please be very carefully with this task.
We are not responsible for any modifications you do with it, if you set the wrong selection and change too much records.
This task is able to modify every record within a module during one execution with the same value, if you don’t work carefully. You could loose your data.
This task is equal to the default “set values” task, but allows you to modify multiple external records at once.
The configuration is split into two parts. On top of configuration you generate a Record Selection, to select the records you want to modify.
Below this part, you found the default “Set values” configuration, which allows you to set single fields and the new content of this field.
Because this block is very powerful, you could enable a “Dry Run” mode, which don’t modify records, and only log the matched Record IDs into the execution statistic of this block.
Since version 7.02.18 you can access $env[“record”] within set values part of this block, which hold the current value of external record. So you can calculate a new value, based on old one.
Calc values from external Record
You can use the “Execute expressions on external records” action to calculate values, based on other records.
But much easier it is to use the “calc values from external record” action.
You define records, you would like to use for calculation, select the fields you would like to calculate and if you need SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN,…