The “Employees” module can be found in the menu under “HR” Bundle.
The first page is the list view where active employees are filtered. Note the lists of filters on the left. If you want to see all employees, go to “All”, where no filters are used.
With “Add Record” it is possible to record the new employee in the system. The user’s personnel profiles and CRM accounts should always be linked (in the “responsible” field).
When the employee leaves the company, the HR manager should check the “Inactive” box in his personnel entry. All employees are active by default. All active employees are recorded in CRM for various evaluations.
When filling in the fields, the following fields are important: location and Boss 1 and 2.
With the HR Pack you get a module “Personnel type”. You have the corresponding field in the personnel entry. With this module you can categorize the personnel. As soon as you link the personnel with the corresponding personnel council, you will get a new sorting and filtering option in the staff.
The Boss 1 and 2 will receive – in case of the entry of the sick bill, leave request or training by the employee – the corresponding notifications about the entries by email.
In the case of a sicklist and notification for further training, the boss will receive the notification with the employee’s name and period of sick leave or further training.
In case of a leave request, the Boss also gets the option to accept and cancel the leave request.
The status of the request is changed accordingly. The leave entitlement per year always has the default value – 24 days with the possibility of individual adjustment.
In the navigation on the right you can see the information about the employee’s sicklist, leave requests, training, overtime and working time.

Here the employee can create a new entry. It is important that if an employee is sick and on vacation at the same time or if the vacation days overlap with the sickness, these days will not be deducted from the remaining vacation days of the current year. Directly from this view you can open the working time of the employee.
The overview is always shown for 30 days. To see other periods, you need to open the evaluation in FlexxWorkTracker.

The range of overtime for this employee:
- By default, the hours are displayed for 30 days – 1 month, this is configurable.
- Overtime column: overtime hours are marked in green, minus hours are marked in red.
- Column Origin: there is a manual recording of overtime or minus hours, or an automatic recording – with e.g. an “In and Out Hardware”.
- The current sum of overtime hours is always displayed in the profile of employees, in the Duty planning section.
- If the overtime is paid, it is possible to enter a record here with minus hours with the note: “paid on. (posting option)”