
In Automation section you 


To add a new Webform press the “Add Webform” button like shown in the image

In the first block “Webform Information” fill in the following fields:

  • Webform Name
  • Return URL
  • Status 
  • Module that corresponds to the webform
  • Assigned user
  • Enable/Disable Captcha
  • Description

In the User Assignment enter:

  • Assign Users In Round Robin – Yes/No
  • Round Robin User List – select users

Down below there is Contacts Field Information

In the first part you can add Field Labels and adjust their order.

As well you can set weather this is a mandatory field, is it visible or hidden and add an override value

Next section is used for uploading fields as a file using the “File Upload Field”. 


Scheduler is used to create Schedules for inner CRM processes 

On this page you can see the list of available Schedules, modules they are working with, Frequency of scanning, the Status of the Schedule and Last scan started/ended time 

This two buttons in Actions are used for moving Schedules within the list via drag and drop and for editing 



This section displays the list of all available workflows within the CRM.

Each workflow is an adjustable function that operates with CRM data and can automatically execute different processes without user`s involvement. Like an automatic email sending, event creations in calendar or record`s field updates. 

Using the upper fields you can filter the workflows or use the search by name fuction

Green buttons on the left are used to turn on/off the workflow 

To add a new Workflow press the “New Workflow” button in the upper right corner of the page

In here the create page is divided into blocks

First is Basic Information:

  • Workflow Name
  • Description
  • Target Module
  • Status 

Next is Workflow Trigger:

  • Trigger Workflow on
  1. Creation
  2. Upload
  3. Time Interval
  • Recurrence
  1. Only first time conditions are met
  2. Every time confitions are met

Workflow Condition – Here you can add two type of Conditions: One is for all conditions must be met and the second one is for at least one of the conditions must be met

Down below there is Workflow Actions 

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