
Outgoing Server

On this page you can see the date about the outgong server of the CRM

Or set it up using the “Edit” button

On the Edit page enter:

  • Server type
  • Server name
  • User name
  • Password
  • From Email
  • Set the requirement of the request authentication 

In the upper right corner you can Reset the settings to Default if it is needed


Here you can manually add Translations to your CRM

On the page you will see the list of available languages, each of them you can edit

1.Firstly select a Module 

2.Then select a translation mode

3.Enter the text

4.And the translation itself


Security is the place where you can configure your system`s protection

First field you will see gives you an opportunity to set a requirement for any customer to have a client certificate to access the CRM

The next field is to set up a link when a client with no certificate will be redirected

Third one is to set a security key

Down below there is a list of users registered within the CRM. For every one of them there is a special button to generate an individual Client Cerrtificate

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