
The Inventory section is responsible for Tax Management and Terms/Conditions of available modules of the CRM

Task Management

Here is the page of Tax Calculator which allows you to set up Taxes which will be then used within the CRM processes of buying/selling products

Fits tab responds for Taxes 

In here you can see the list of taxes you have set in the CRm

To add a new Tax press the “Add new tax” button above the list

A window opens and here you will see a form for new tax creation


  • Tax Name
  • Status (Active/Disabled)
  • Type of Tax Calculation (Simple / Compound / Deducted)
  • Tax type (Fixed / Variable)
  • Tax Value

After that press the “Save” button below and then a new tax will be visible on the list

To edit an already existing Tax aim the cursor at the desired one and an “edit” button will show up, use it to make changes.

Here is an example of the edit window

Terms and Conditions

Here you can find Terms and Conditions for any module within the CRM

On the top of the page select o module form the list and all the Terms will be uploaded in the text box below

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