Adding extra pages via background function to PDF template

We will show you how to add such backgrounds which can be applied to the different PDF templates as extra pages. This function will be demonstrated on the example of the “General Terms and Conditions ” (AGB) and Privacy Agreement amendments which are often added to the documents of the company.

  1. Add AGB and Privacy Agreement pages to the PDF generator settings.

On the PDF generator settings page (Settings > Other Settings > PDF GENERATOR) we open the Background PDFs tab. There you need to upload a pdf document or documents that contain information about the AGB and Privacy Agreement

On this tab, you need to write the name of the document (for example: Privacy Agreement) and upload the document itself.

After that, the document will appear in the general list

If you need to replace a document, you can replace it without deleting it by clicking the “Choose File” and “Upload file” buttons

2. Adding the AGB and Privacy Agreement pages to the template pdf.

Note: all subsequent actions will be performed with pdf templates attached to the Quotes module and with the Privacy Agreement selected as a folder.

2.1. Creating a “Privacy Agreement” template PDF

In the PDF generator, click the “Add template” button

In the window that opens, select the module to which the template will be bound

Next, you need to enter the name of the template PDF

Next, in the “Page Layout” tab, you need to select the background that was created in step “1”

Next, in the “Templates” tab, in the “edit PDF Template” section, add an empty text block to remove the message “Template`s content is empty!” and click “Save”

2.2. Linking AGB and Privacy Agreement pages to other templates

For example, we will take a template with certain information from the “Quotes” module, in which the last page should be “Privacy Agreement”

When creating a template, on the “Settings” tab, in the “Append PDF Templates” field, select “Privacy Agreement” and click “Save”

After that, the last page in the template will be “Privacy Agreement”.

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