3.Create new cash book

A new cash book is created by clicking the green button “CREATE NEW CASH BOOK”.

Cashbook title field: The cash book is given a title in this field (e.g. company / month / year)

Field Internal booking number prefix: In the next step the internal booking number prefix is defined. The ID is numbered consecutively starting with this prefix.

Field Cashbook currency: The cash book currency must be set when creating a new cash book.

Field Start credit: Enter here the starting balance of your cashbook as decimal number. For example: 100,00

Field settings: Enter the necessary information in the standard fields. With one click on “Create new field” you can create additional user-defined fields.

Text field: This field asks for a free text when creating an entry in your cashbook.

These fields must be created for the user. If these fields are to be filled in every entry, they must be declared as mandatory fields.

The standardised fields allow entries to be made on categories. Categories can be defined, for example according to office supplies, food, postage, etc.

In the booking text field, the user can enter the appropriate booking text, for example: Cash deposit, shipping costs, etc.

The other standard fields define income and expenditure.
The decimal field is defined as the gross amount to be entered.
In the standard field Calculation, the net price is calculated by entering the gross value and the VAT rate.
The VAT rate is specified in the field Selection list VAT (%). Other tax rates can be added.

The Calculation field contains the formula for the calculations in the cash book.

The Document field is for uploading documents.

This overview shows all the standardized fields that are needed to create a cash book.

Additional fields can be added. To do this, click on the “Create new field” button.

Furthermore, the fields can be moved via drag and drop.

To be able to move the fields, you have to click with the mouse on this icon and move the field to the desired position.

When all the entries are made and you are done with creating the cash book, click on the “Save” button.

You will now see the created cash book.

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