2. Add custom fields in report

To create additional fields for the report, go to the “Custom Fields” button .

To add a new field, click the “Create Field” button in the window that opens.

After pressing this button, a new field with a default name will appear.

If you click on the name of the new field, the settings window will appear.

Here you can see the information to be entered to create a new field:

  • Name of the user-defined field expression (The name of the new field is specified).
  • Result type (Specifies the type of data in the new field)
  • Comment describing the function of the user-defined field (A brief description of what the field displays).
  • Formula / SQL expression (SQL – query to the database is specified)
  • Module fields used (In this field you can select several modules from which data should be taken).

After entering the corresponding data, you must save this user field by clicking the “Save field” button.

After saving, this field will appear in the list of all available fields in the left pane.

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